Bookworm- Stories and Ramblings

I don't have all of the answers, no big surprise, but I'm definitely more level headed then some of these ultra wingers. Join me on the middle ground as I take a look at some of America's issues.

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Location: Oklahoma, United States


Is the Presidential Election all about Race?

I heard an interesting and disturbing point of view this morning on Sirius Satellite radio while driving to work. Mr. Alex Bennett, a host on channel 146- Left, agreed with a caller that Sen. Obama had an advantage over Sen. McCain because he's black. Mr. Bennett added that in dealings with Africa, the Middle East, and other Third World countries the United States would be better served with a black president then our 'typical' white president because he/she would look more like the local people. He stated, and I'm paraphrasing as I didn't stop the car and take dictation, that how could a white John McCain understand the position of an African, Middle Easterner, or other resident of the Third World? Mr. Bennett and the caller continued to bash the United States and it's history of white leaders who have brought us to where we are today. I for one happen to enjoy where we are today. Are we a model of a perfect society? Not hardly. Are we free from issues and problems? Nope. But I'll take the opportunities and freedoms that we have in our nation any time over those found in other countries. We've had outstanding leadership in this country in the past and they've been white, black, yellow, tan, male, female, catholic, protestant, Jewish, married, single, old, young, and several other demographics. I don't believe for one second that in order to understand and empathize with and strive to help another person less fortunate one needs to be of a similar demographic. If I used that same logic then we would have segregated sections throughout our society. We would see a business run only by middle-aged, white males. Or perhaps one run by young, long-haired, Hispanics who are wiccans. You can see the lunacy. Yes, Sen. Obama would be our first black president if elected. Yes, Sen. Obama might have a similar complexion to Middle Easterners. But I don't think terrorists, corporations, OPEC, or any other foreigner would stop to alter their plans because America had a black president. I don’t know about you but come November I’m going to focus on what’s inside the person rather than what color their skin is when I cast my vote. I encourage you to do the same.



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